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Emergency Response Service
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The Emergency Response Portal ( ERP)
is the platform for users and responders to Report and respond to any Emergency

Business Problem

System of Emergency detection and response is insufficient as it is presently. Inability for persons in distress to report emergency due to Inefficiency in response, delay and majorly poor communication.


To provide a technology enabled emergency detection and response system.

Personas and Stakeholders

General Public, and Base Admins Stakeholders - Emergency response team (ERT) Fire service, Police, Medical and other agencies.

Archives from the Now Platform

Email Notification

Slack Notification

Form UI

More Archives from the portal

Landing page

Record Producer

Knowledge base

Road Map For Future Release 2.0

- Translate to local languages

- Simplify interface (due to changes in requirements)

- Voice Assist for physically challenged users

- API for companies, schools, hospitals to integrate their emergency system to auto report to the portal.

- Use of USSD code(*112#) for customers who have no access to internet.